More Engineering Insurance
This policy indemnifies the insured against loss resulting from burglary. It also covers damage as a result of theft through forcible and violent entry into, or exit from premises
Fidelity Guarantee
This policy indemnifies the insured against any fraudulent acts or impropriety by employees. It also involves embezzlement of insured’s funds, pilfering, misappropriating, diverting insured’s raw materials or finished goods.
Goods In Transit
It covers accidental loss of or damage and theft to goods whilst in transit within a specific geographic region.
Key Underwriting Requirements:
• Type of goods
• Value of goods
• Packaging
• Limit per carrying
• Transit frequency
Group Personal Accident
This is a benefit policy designed to cover death or physical injury (permanent/ temporary disability) to a group of people e.g. members of an association or club, workers of an organization solely caused by violent, accidental, external and viable means. This cover can be extended to include medical expenses necessitated by an accident. It offers 24- hour protection against accidents and the cover is worldwide.
Workmen's Compensation
The Workmen’s Compensation Act of 1963 (Act 174), as amended by PNDC Law 187 of 1987, makes it mandatory for all employers in Ghana to compensate their employees for occupational injuries or death.
Consequential Loss/Business Interruption
The prime objective of this policy is not solely to provide profits, but indemnify for any loss of revenue and increase in cost of working in the event of the insured’s premises or property specified or any part being destroyed.
Public Liability
This policy covers all sums which the insured shall become legally liable to pay to any person other than employees for accidental bodily injury and property damage occurring on the company’s premises. It indemnifies against all sums that may be legally liable to pay in respect of claims made by any person, customer and visitor.
Product Liability
This policy is designed to cover the insured against all sums which the insured shall become legally liable to pay as compensation in respect of claims for death or sickness as a result of the use of the manufactured product.
Professional Indemnity or Liability
This policy is concerned with the liability of members of learned professions’ for injury, damage or financial loss to clients or the public as a result of breach of professional duty or negligent acts, errors or omissions in their professional capacity.
How can we serve you?
Speak to us about our various insurance packages and let us offer the suitable package for your needs today